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Benefits of Evalifi Property Evaluations 

Evalifi combines innovative technology, software, and workflow with passionate, proven human real estate valuation expertise to give you the best property evaluation services available nationwide. Our goal is to continue to evolve to meet changing industry and regulatory needs while maintaining our high standards for quality work. 

  • Less time and money: We deliver evaluations within five business days and at a fraction of the cost of a full appraisal. 
  • Easy-to-read, comprehensive reports: Our reports detail the analysis, assumptions and conclusions to support the market value of the property in a format that’s easy to understand.  
  • Ethical standards: We are an independent, neutral party in the process. Our evaluations are unbiased, fair and accurate. Our ethics, our conscience, and our moral compass are key components to the magnitude and direction of our company’s ethical mission, vision, and vector.

Expert Real Estate Valuation Services

Because of changing regulations and a greater need for efficiency in the lending, underwriting, and real estate due diligence process, evaluations are often an under-utilized alternative to full appraisals when appraisals are not required by law. Our evaluations are completed within days, not weeks and at a fraction of the cost.

Who Can Order a Property Valuation? 

While lenders are our most common customer, anyone can order a property valuation.  

Our Property Valuation Process

We use technology, data and human logic to deliver accurate property valuation reports within five business days and make the process as easy as possible for you. Here’s what happens after you submit an order:

Our team members gather online data and images for the property, neighborhood and local market.

Not all valuations require a site inspection, but most need at least a current, onsite exterior photo of the property. We can also provide a full exterior or interior inspection. We handle all aspects of any site inspection and make it easy and efficient for everyone involved.

We review all relevant data and images. We then apply human expertise and use approved methodologies to determine a final value of the property.

All evaluations are reviewed to ensure accurate and compliant results.