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Evalifi offers fast, cost-effective and compliant evaluations for commercial and residential properties as an alternative to full appraisals. Because of changing regulations and a greater need for efficiency and faster turnaround, evaluations are gaining popularity and becoming more integral to the residential and commercial real estate valuation, loan, underwriting, and due diligence process. As a property valuation company you can trust, Evalifi is your leading source to provide accurate residential or commercial evaluations nationwide.

Why Choose Evalifi as Your TRUSTED PARTNER for Real Estate Valuations

  • We can deliver commercial and residential real estate valuations nationwide in five business days or less and at a fraction of the cost of a full appraisal.  
  • We provide comprehensive reports that make it easy to understand the reasons behind the market value of the property by detailing the analysis, assumptions and conclusions.  
  • We provide the highest quality service to our customers and make the process as easy as possible for you.  

Evalifi Core Values

Our company was founded on the following core values and our mission is to be your TRUSTED PARTNER when you need a property valuation company. 

Industry Technology Innovators, Valuation Expertise

We combine the latest technology with human logic from knowledgeable real estate valuation analysts, a nationwide network of mobile real estate photographers, and onsite inspectors when needed, to ensure accurate results. We operate on a synergistic balance of innovation, best-in-class software and technologies, human valuation expertise and passion, and efficient process workflow.


We are an independent, neutral party in the process. Our valuations are unbiased, fair, comprehensive, and accurate. Our ethics, our conscience, and our moral compass are key components to the magnitude and direction of our company’s ethical mission, vision, and vector.


We provide our clients with the professional services they deserve and expect.