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Why Choose Evalifi for Trust and Estate Real Estate Valuation Services

Evalifi combines emerging real estate data analysis and processing technology with human logic, wisdom, and decades of experience from a talented, experienced team to provide residential and commercial property valuation services that are accurate and deliver more than our competition. 

When you are entrusted with being the fiduciary, executor or administrator for administering, settling, valuing, distributing, or terminating (finalizing) a trust or estate, that is a huge and very important responsibility. At Evalifi, we understand and empathize with the deep trust that someone has given you to accurately value the real estate contents of that trust (or estate). We know that you require an accurate, reliable, and easy-to-understand Residential Evaluation or Commercial Evaluation report for making key trust (or estate) decisions. We look forward to EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS as your TRUSTED PARTNER as we deliver the exceptional customer service you deserve and expect. 

Trust and Estate Real Estate Valuation Services

Fast, Accurate, Compliant Property Valuations

  • Compared to a full appraisal, Residential Evaluations and Commercial Evaluations are the fastest and most cost-effective solution for valuing residential and commercial property inside a trust or estate.
  • Evalifi delivers these valuations for trust and estates within five business days (instead of weeks) and at a fraction of the cost, so you can make educated, informed and strategic decisions as a fiduciary, executor, or estate administrator.
  • As key components to each Evalifi Residential Evaluation or Commercial Evaluation report provided to our valuable clients, we provide expert property comparison of three comparable properties using a sales comparison approach (and/or income approach or cost approach, depending on the type of commercial property), appropriate adjustments, economic and local market condition information, comparison and subject property photos, and each chosen approach’s indicated value. Evalifi always provides a map of the subject property with location of the subject and comparables, as well as a sign off by the Residential or Commercial Evaluator (Preparer).
Proven, Market-Leading Expertise, Unmatched Real Estate Valuation Expertise, and Ethical Standards

Evalifi, alongside and in collaboration with its’ strategic partner (Associated Appraisal Consultants (AAC), THE LEADER in Municipal Assessment in Wisconsin and three times the size of its’ nearest competitor) and passionate team of real estate valuation experts, have processed over FIVE MILLION EXPERT PROPERTY VALUATIONS IN JUST THE LAST TWENTY (20) YEARS, and an estimated TEN MILLION+ EXPERT PROPERTY VALUATIONS OVER THE LAST SIXTY-FOUR (64) YEARS. We are an independent, neutral party in the process. Our evaluations are unbiased, fair and accurate. Our ethics, our conscience, and our moral compass are key components to the magnitude and direction of our company’s ethical mission, vision, and vector.

Easy Onsite Property Evaluations (and Inspections) When Needed

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We make it as easy as possible for you or your client to get trust (or estate) real estate valuations —just place an order and we handle the rest.

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Most Residential Evaluations and Commercial Evaluations require at least a current, onsite exterior photo of the property.

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Our team also quickly and efficiently completes exterior or both exterior and interior inspections if those are needed. If you’re not sure, we’re happy to help you, or your client, choose the best option for valuing real estate in a trust (or estate).

We Want to Be Your TRUSTED PARTNER to Help Administer and Value Real Estate in Your Trust or Estate

  • Our expert, knowledgeable, and ethical staff completes all steps of the real estate valuation, including data gathering, remote team photography collection, inspections, analysis and value conclusions. 
  • We’re fully compliant with local, state, and federal regulations, including Interagency Appraisal and Evaluation Guidelines (IAG Guidelines).
  • We look forward to EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS as your TRUSTED PARTNER as we deliver the exceptional customer service you deserve and expect.